

Cup is a lightweight alternative to What's up Docker? (opens in a new tab) written in Rust.

Features ✨

  • 🚀 Extremely fast. Cup takes full advantage of your CPU and is hightly optimized, resulting in lightning fast speed. On my test machine, it took ~6 seconds for 70 images.
  • Supports most registries, including Docker Hub,, Quay, and even Gitea (or derivatives)
  • Doesn't exhaust any rate limits. This is the original reason I created Cup. It was inspired by What's up docker? which would always use it up.
  • Beautiful CLI and web interface for checking on your containers any time.
  • The binary is tiny! At the time of writing it's just 4.7 MB. No more pulling 100+ MB docker images for a such a simple program.
  • JSON output for both the CLI and web interface so you can connect Cup to integrations. It's easy to parse and makes webhooks and pretty dashboards simple to set up!
